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Solar power offers a wide array of economic advantages, including reduced electricity expenses, minimal maintenance costs, and a clean and sustainable energy source. In 2022, the solar industry in the United States alone generated nearly $35 billion of private investment and provided employment to over 263,000 Americans. The Addison Solar Project is set to bring numerous economic benefits to Steuben County and the Towns of Addison, Campbell, and Erwin. The project's positive impacts will be seen through the creation of jobs for local families, financial benefits for the local communities, and supporting climate change mitigation by helping New York State reach its renewable generation goals.

Become part of the growing number of people who support the Addison Solar Project by signing a letter of support. Your support will be imperative as this information will be presented to key decision makers involved in the approval process of the Addison Solar Project. Simply enter your contact infomration below to show your support. SWEB will never use, share, or sell your information for marketing purposes.

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