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Project Overview


The Yellow Birch Wind Energy Project is a proposed renewable energy facility with a total capacity of up to 149.6 MW. The project will consist of up to twenty-two turbines with a nameplate capacity between 5.9 to 7.2 MW. The facility will be located on privately-held land in Pictou county, south of Marshy Hope.     

The project is being developed through a partnership with First Nation communities and SWEB Development LP (SWEB Energy), a North American subsidiary of W.E.B Group.

The current project specific information was provided since the inception of the project in 2021. However, projects of this nature evolve over the course of their development. Consequently, please be advised that the most recent project specific information will be updated here as it becomes available, starting with the latest information available.  


2020 – Onward Stakeholder Engagement
2021 – 2025 Environmental Assessment
2021 – 2025 Local Permitting
2022 – 2023 Green Choice Program Due Diligence and Bid Submission
2024 – 2025 Power Purchase Agreement
2026 – 2027 Proposed Construction Period
2027-2028 Proposed Commercial Operation Date

Project Benefits

A central focus of the project during development, construction, and operations is to ensure that as much local labour, services, and materials are used as possible. It is anticipated that if the project is built, it will create a number of direct and indirect benefits for various stakeholders and First Nations communities. The project will have a positive impact on local businesses and will result in employment opportunities in addition to tax revenue for municipal, provincial, and federal governments.

A share of project revenues will be used to support local community groups and underrepresented communities in the province. Additionally, over its 25-year lifetime, the Project will contribute, if built at maximum size, more than $38.5 million in tax revenues to its host municipality. That is an average of more than $1,540,000 per year.

With respect to the environment and climate change, the project is expected to significantly offset carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from Nova Scotia’s current electricity production and will produce enough power for up to 62,000 homes.