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About Wind

How Wind Energy Works

Electricity generation from wind energy is quite simple. Wind passes over the wind turbine blades and creates lift which causes the blades to move in a clockwise fashion, thus turning the turbine rotor. The rotor is connected to an internal electric generator and the electricity is then delivered to the electricity grid and our homes via electric distribution lines.

Canada's Installed Capacity

As of December 2022, Canada’s total installed capacity of wind energy was approximately 15 GW, the equivalent of powering over 3.4 million homes with electricity. For more information on Canada’s wind energy industry, wind energy, and the country’s installed capacity, please visit the Canadian Renewable Energy Association’s website:

Wind Energy in New Brunswick

New Brunswick currently has 294 MW of installed wind energy capacity which is spread over three projects. Through New Brunswick Power’s most recent renewable energy procurement, the Locally-Owned Renewable Energy Project’s that are Small-Scale (LORESS) program, an additional 80 MW of renewable energy will be brought online by 2020. It is expected that a portion of the 80 MW will come from wind energy resources and add to New Brunswick’s installed capacity.

For more information on New Brunswick’s renewable energy resources, please visit the following website: