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Environmental Impact Assessment  

Given the proposed Wisokolamson Energy Project has a project capacity that is greater than 3 MW, it is subject to an environmental impact assessment under the New Brunswick Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation. As such, Wisokolamson Energy LP has conducted an environmental impact assessment with specific attention was paid to the following environmental attributes and studies:

  • Terrain and Soils
  • Terrestrial Vegetation
  • Shadow Flicker
  • Land Use
  • Surface Hydrology
  • Wildlife including Birds and Bats
  • Visual Aesthetics
  • Local Economy
  • Fish and Fish Habitat
  • Species of Conservation Concern
  • Electromagnetic Interference
  • Wetlands
  • Noise
  • Heritage and Archaeological Resources

The Environmental Impact Registration documentation can be downloaded here:
Environmental Impact Registration documentation

For more information regarding New Brunswick’s Environmental Impact Assessment process, please visit the following website: