Wisokolamson Energy Project Reaches Commercial Operation
12/2019 - Back to overview
Woodstock First Nation and Atlantic Canada-based SWEB Development are thrilled to announce that the five-turbine Wisokolamson energy project reached its commercial operation date (COD) on November 27, 2019. Located 12 kilometres West of Riverside-Albert, New Brunswick, the project began construction of the Vestas V-126 turbines in September 2018 and will provide enough clean energy to service over 6,000 homes in the Province.
The renewable energy developer from Halifax and New Brunswick First Nation joined forces for the development, construction and operation of the project through a provincial initiative led by New Brunswick Power. The project name derived from Woodstock First Nation's traditional language, as "Wisokolamson" translates to "the wind blows strongly."
"It was a pleasure partnering with SWEB Development on a project that will bring clean, renewable energy to the community", says Woodstock First Nation's Project Coordinator, Joe Tomah. "After a lot of hard work, it's very exciting and gratifying to witness the project's completion. We are thankful to New Brunswick Power for their continued support and hope to see similar opportunities like this in the future."
The Wisokolamson energy project will operate for 25 years, pursuant to the power purchase agreement with the offtaker, New Brunswick Power. Woodstock First Nation and SWEB Development look forward to awarding two bursaries per year over the project’s lifetime to First Nation students studying in the renewable energy field at the university or college level. SWEB Development’s Project Developer, Mason Baker, proclaims, “working with Woodstock First Nation has been a great experience. Our entire team is very proud of this project and the positive impact it will have on both the environment and local economy.”
This is SWEB Development’s largest wind farm in North America to date, with a total capacity of 18 MW. As a result, SWEB Development’s parent company in Austria, W.E.B, achieved a significant milestone of crossing the threshold of 500 MW in operation just last month. Together, W.E.B.’s projects across the world save more than 860,000 tons of CO2 every year.