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W.E.B power plants

W.E.B.’s power plants are making an active contribution to the clean energy transition. We are currently operating 284 wind farms and 51 solar farms at 132 locations. These are located across Austria, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Italy, Canada and the United States.

These power plants have a total capacity of 743 megawatts.

Wind power plant



Power plant Brimfield / Massachusetts

General Information
Number of plants 1
Number of Modules 2563 Modules
Installed nominal power 2,56 MW
Household equivalent > 1.036 Households
CO2 saving > 1.073 t

Power plant Brookfield / Massachusetts

General Information
Number of plants 1
Number of Modules 13338 Modules
Installed nominal power 5,00 MW
Household equivalent > 1.824 Households
CO2 saving > 1.890 t

Power plant Pisgah Mountain / Maine

General Information
Number of plants 5 (Vestas V 90)
Rotor Diameter 90 m
Installed nominal power 9,08 MW
Household equivalent > 8.542 Households
CO2 saving > 8.850 t

Power plant Silver Maple / Maine

General Information
Number of plants 5 (Vestas V 136)
Rotor Diameter 136 m
Installed nominal power 20,00 MW
Household equivalent > 20.342 Households
CO2 saving > 21.074 t

The basis for calculating the CO2 savings is the ENTSO-E-Mix of 296 g/kWh.
The basis of the household equivalent calculation is the average annual consumption of 3500 kWh/year.